You may be faced with an unplanned pregnancy and considering all options to make the best choice for you. Perhaps the stage you’re in isn’t fitting for family expansion, or you’ve had previous experience with abortion and want to explore the option of adoption. Whatever season you are in or roadblocks you’re facing, making an adoption plan could be your answer.
The Importance of Adoption
It may be a financial burden, a lack of family or parenting support, or personal limitations for raising a child, but women from many walks of life choose adoption. It’s a choice that is not always easy, although it is always made out of love. It offers their child a greater chance to live a happier and healthier life. There’s a secure feeling of confidence that a woman feels in knowing she has chosen what was best for her child.
Adoption agencies have access to many families who are prepared and eager to adopt. You will want to choose a reputable adoption agency that is equipped with adoption specialists who will explain the process, provide holistic support, and create an adoption transition that is as smooth as possible.
Choosing Your Adoptive Family
The process allows the birth mother to be involved by allowing her to choose the adoptive family best suited to raise her child. All potential adoptive families are surveyed through background checks and home studies to ensure they are safe, devoted to, and capable of raising a child. The birth mother will be able to view photos and personal information about the potential adoptive families to allow her to form a connection with the family.
The Process After Delivery
After you have selected your adoptive family and given birth, the state of Michigan requires a period of at least 72-hours after delivery before consent to the adoption is signed. Upon signing, your baby is then placed directly into the hands of the adoptive family – meaning they will not go into foster care.
Are You Considering Adoption for Your Baby?
Choosing adoption is possible whether your child has been born or you are currently pregnant. At Petoskey Pregnancy Care Center, we’re here to help you explore the idea of adoption. Contact us today, we’ll be more than happy to help answer your questions and inform you of your options.
You are the only one who can know if adoption is right for you and your child’s life, but we’re here and ready to help walk you through the decision-making process. We will also be happy to show you all of the amazing families that have been eagerly awaiting a child to adopt into their family. Your current circumstance may have you feeling worried or uneasy; there is an option that is right for you and it just may be adoption!