If you suspect you might be pregnant, we are your best resource to take the steps towards an informed decision. Pregnancy Care Center of Petoskey can provide a pregnancy test on-site and at no cost. Schedule an appointment by contacting our center to take a pregnancy test today.
When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?
For the sake of test accuracy, the optimal time to take the test is to wait until after you’ve missed a period. Research shows the most effective and accurate results from a pregnancy test come when you are two weeks late for your period; test results have a 90% accuracy rate at that point.
How does a pregnancy test work?
The tests are designed to detect the hormone known as hCG, otherwise known as “the pregnancy hormone.” One of our skilled and compassionate staff members will administer the test and discuss your results with you immediately following the test. The staff members are willing and able to answer any questions you may have regarding your results or your next steps.
If I am pregnant, what should I do next?
Our trained staff members will provide insightful information on all your options. We will answer questions on abortion procedures, adoption options, and parenting. If your test at our center comes back positive, we also are able to perform an ultrasound on-site at no cost to you. Ultrasound testing is a vital resource that we use to understand the pregnancy’s gestational age and overall viability. Ultrasound testing is a necessary step before choosing to receive an abortion.
Contact us to schedule a no-cost confidential appointment.